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pietro badoglio Quotes

Pietro Badoglio Quotes


pietro badoglio life timeline

World War II: Benito Mussolini is forced out of office by his own Italian Grand Council and is replaced by Pietro Badoglio.Sunday, July 25th, 1943
U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower and Italian Marshal Pietro Badoglio sign an armistice aboard the British ship HMS Nelson off Malta.Wednesday, September 29th, 1943


    • If I announce the armistice and the Americans don't send sufficient reinforcements and don't land near Rome, the Germans will seize the city and put in a puppet fascist government.
    • There is no doubt that Jacomoni and Visconti Prasca have a large share of the responsibility in the Albanian affair, but the real blame must be sought elsewhere. It lies entirely with the Duce's command. This is a command that he, the Duce, cannot hold. Let him leave everything to us, and when things go wrong let him punish those responsible.
    • Militarily it was impossible to invade with the dispositions we had made. We had only seven divisions in Albania. Two of them were necessary to hold the Albanian population from going into revolt. Two others were in reserve. That left us three divisions with which to undertake an offensive. Against us, the Greeks disposed of fifteen divisions. We might have been able to undertake an offensive had those figures been reversed.
    • I think if we call in the experts we can draw up the full scheme, with the rallying points arranged.
    • By this act, all ties with the dreadful past are broken, and my government will be proud to be able to march with you on to the inevitable victory.
    • Sir, give me a single battalion of the Royal Carabineers and I will drive these upstarts into the sea.
    • The Germans will make a few scattered attacks, then go away. The Romans will enjoy a fine September.
    • When Mussolini decided on war he did not take my advice or that of any other Army chief. In August 1939 the Duce had not been so sure about the invincibility of the Germans, and he told us that he had sought to persuade Hitler not to act.
    • Il soldato e come il monaco, per cui l'ordine si chiama obbedienza.
    • Io ho conquistato all'Italia un impero e Mussolini l'ha buttato via.
    • Non sono mai stato un generale ribelle e l'ho dimostrato sino all'ultimo.
    • C'e un veleno che corrode le dittature: l'incenso. La rovina delle dittature sono i ras osannanti.
    • (A Mussolini) Vostra Eccellenza puo contare ora e sempre sulla mia completa e assoluta devozione.
    • Se orgoglio ho io, e quello di aver sempre servito fedelmente e con devozione illimitata voi, Duce.
    • Io i miei nemici li strangolo lentamente col guanto di velluto.
    • Io sono un militare e non so nulla di correnti politiche.
    • Non posso abbandonarmi a voli di fantasia perche cio e contrario alla mia natura.
    • pietro badoglio

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